
Speel-o-theek Bibelebonts
never a dull moment!

On 26 september 1984, more than 30 years ago, speel-o-theek Bibelebonts was opened officially. Since then, Bibelebonts has proven that there is a need for toy lending. This website shows you the way in our speel-o-theek. You will find an explanation of the lending process, the kind of toys and games that are available and the lending fees. For specific questions, please talk to one of our volunteers in the toy library.

How does a speel-o-theek work?

A speel-o-theek is similar to a library. Instead of books, it lends or hires out toys, puzzles, and games. Nowadays, it might seem that children have enough toys and games to play with, but high-quality items remain expensive. The speel-o-theek can offer regular variation, with a collection of toys that are still to be discovered by the child. By borrowing toys, parents are also able to find out which kind their children like most and prefer to play with. In that way, a waste of money by choosing inadequate toys can be avoided.

Bibelebonts has a variety of books and magazines that provide information about toys, games and education. The volunteers can also guide you in the search for adequate toys for your children.

In the centre, children have a space where they can discover and try the toys available. Our collection contains items that are appropriate for children between the ages of 0 and 8 years, but of course, higher age groups might just as well find interesting items.


Speel-o-theek Bibelebonts is much more than a place where you can borrow toys. You will find information about playing, toys and education. In a separate information corner, we have a collection of books about the many aspects of education and the development of children. These thematic books can also be borrowed.

Please do not hesitate to ask one of our volunteers for advice or to ask questions, for example about the toys and games that you have borrowed, the way your child played with it or what kind of toys are appropriate for their age group.

A final word

We also organise activities outside of the centre. Regularly, we are represented at annual fairs or festivals. On specific occasions and on demand, we provide information about the speel-o-theek and toys in general, for example in meetings with parents, in playgroups, women’s groups etc.

Opening hours

The opening hours of the speel-o-theek are as follows:

Tuesday 18.30-19.45
Wednesday 14.oo-16.00
Saturday 10.30 – 12.30


Meiveld 2
5501 KA  Veldhoven.

On the first floor of the Libary


Annual subscription fee: € 15,00
(maximum of 4 children per membership)
Registration fee: € 2,00
Lending fee: € 1,00 per toy
Loan period: 3 weeks
Fine for overdue materials: € 0,50 (per item, per week)
Missing or broken parts: € 1,50 per part
If you bring back a lost part within 6 months, we will refund € 1,00 of the fine.
Reservation fee (at the desk): € 0,75 per toy